1. Dejan Branković, SHP Celex ,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Boris Latinović, SHP Celex ,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Zdravko Milovanović, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The function of modern industrial production system largely depends on the quality and successful performance of maintenance systems, as well as of integrated system support. The application of advanced concepts to organize maintenance system and plan investments in terms of modernization of production capacities ensures the optimization of processes and increase of the level of production system efficiency. In many cases it appears that the concept of condition based maintenance can meet the special requirements of ensuring the continuous production process. The concept of condition based maintenance by applying the methods of technical diagnostics is an effective way to prevent failures, reduce maintenance costs and ensure continuity of the industrial production system. This paper describes the installation and operation of modern vibration diagnostic system within the industrial system for the production of hygiene paper. Solving a specific problem within the production process (problem of occurrence of high vibrations of doctor blade holder) required the installation of modern diagnostic system at a critical position of the doctor blade holder. After the application of the method of several months of continuous monitoring of vibrations, the analysis of obtained values by a specialized company, which is also the supplier of the equipment, the obtained results pointed out the value of the resonant frequency of the installed equipment. The observed resonant frequency related to the own frequency of the doctor blade holder. Variants of solutions were presented and optimal solution was selected and it was implemented in a period of overhaul of paper machine in October 2016. One-month follow-up of the data after the modifications on the critical equipment were implemented together with the analysis of the obtained results confirmed the positive effect in terms of elimination of the risk of failure, damage to equipment and provision of quality assurance products. The application of methods of technical diagnostics within the concept of condition based maintenance is in this specific case the relevant proof of the positive effect of modern technical tools in terms of optimizing the production of technical and technological systems.
Ključne reči:
Konferencija: 13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Datum: 30.01.2017.god.