Презентације конференција

Редни број Конференцијa Поддомен
469 LANGUAGE, PHONETICS AND ETYMOLOGY / International Conference in Language Studies phoneticsandetymology
470 TRANSLATION STUDIES / International Conference on Translation and Interpreting translationstudies
471 LANGUAGE LEARNING / International Conference on Language Learning and Teaching languagelearning
472 RELIGION STUDIES / International Conference on Religions and Belief religionandbelief
473 TURKEY STUDIES / International Conference on Turkey, Turkish Studies and Turkology turkeystudies
474 MIDDLE EAST STUDIES / International Conference on Middle East Studies middleeast
475 European Conference On Logics In Artificial Intelligence (JELIA) jelia
476 HOUSE & HOME / International Conference in Architecture and Urban Studies houseandhome
477 International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISOLA) isola
478 LITERATURE, ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN SPACE / International Conference on Literature, Architecture and Urban Space literatureandarch
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