Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 -

Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6

The LIP6, Pierre et Marie Curie University (UPMC) and French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), UMR 7606 UPMC - CNRS, is a computer science research laboratory dedicated to the modeling and the resolution of fundamental problems driven by applications, as well as to the implementation and the validation through academic and industrial partnerships.

The LIP6 represents 193 researchers, 26 engineers and administrative staff. It hosts more than 200 PhD students, around 80 post-doctors and non-permanent staff and about a hundred trainees. The research is organized into twenty teams divided into 6 thematic departments: Scientific Computing, DEcision, Systèmes Intelligents Recherche opérationnelle, Databases and machine learning, Networks and Systems, Complex Systems, Systems On Chips. Three teams are common with INRIA Paris - Rocquencourt. The LIP6 currently hosts an ERC "Flow Machines" led by François Pachet and two chairs: Giovanni Pau (UPMC Chair, Atos, Renault: The connected car) and Antoine Joux (Chair UPMC Foundation UPMC: Cryptology).

The scientific production represents more than 400 publications per year. Around sixty theses are defended each year, with 50 patents and softwares resulting. Four faculty members are members of the "Institut Universitaire de France".

The laboratory has recurrent International cooperations within its activities. It maintains close relationships with universities from many countries such as Brazil, the United States, Japan, China and numerous European countries. In addition to academic research, LIP6 has a long history of cooperation with industrial partners within many national, European or international projects.

The lab is deeply involved in teaching its research in master degree. The graduate school of Paris EDITE (Ecole Doctorale d'Informatique, Télécommunication et Electronique de Paris) hosts the PhD students of the laboratory.

Jean-Claude Bajard,
Laboratory manager



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