1. Zorica Djordjevic, Fakultet inženjerskih nauka Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, Serbia
2. Saša Jovanović, Fakultet inženjerskih nauka Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, Serbia
3. Milorad Bojic, Fakultet inženjerskih nauka Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, Serbia
4. Dragan Cvetkovic, Fakultet inženjerskih nauka Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, Serbia
5. Dragan Adamović, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Sestre Janjić 6, 34000 Kragujevac, Srbija 2IMW Ins, Serbia
While buying electrical appliances the main criteria are the price of a certain appliance and its facilities, and less attention is paid to spending energy. However, for society as a whole, both to ordinary and especially to those houses of zero spending, energy and ecological characteristics of these appliances are important.
The aim of this work is forming a data base about the characteristics of appliances in terms of energy, environment and economics. The analysis includes: TV sets, audio, video, photo and ITE appliances and small house devices. Primary criteria in choosing appliances were their connecting power and price, as possible indicators of their quality and performances concerning comfortable and efficient functioning, as well as their energy and ecological characteristics.
Conclusions about spending energy of the chosen appliances daily and monthly are presented in the end.
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