1. Vojkan Zorić, Megatrend univerzitet, Serbia
2. Z Skakavac, Univerzitet Union, Fakultet za pravne i poslove studije „Dr Lazar Vrkatić“, Serbia
In the process of scientific investigation of crime aid of physics, chemistry and physical chemistry is clearly visible, because the application of their technical and technological advances leads to the essential knowledge necessary to successfully locate micro traces and provide evidence. The current development of science and technology contributes to the finding of new and more sophisticated methods that allow finding, fixing and exploring different types of microtraces, which, in the previous period, was not possible.
Significant microtraces, in general, are as follows: textile fibers (lengths only a few parts of millimeters) and can be found in many criminal acts and on the victims, objects, tools, walls, trees, cars, etc.; micro traces of glass, colored materials and varnishes as significant for resolving various criminal offenses; dust particles, earth, plaster, metal, which may indicate the professional orientation of person to whom it belong; plant, animal, microbial and ballistic traces (bacteria and fungi). With correct finding of microtraces, prevention of their contamination, their fixing and security transport and detailed forensic analysis, relevant material evidences are safely provided for the further prosecution.
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Tematska oblast:
SIMPOZIJUM A - Nauka materije, kondenzovane materije i fizika čvrstog stanja
Contemporary Materials 2015 - Savremeni Materijali