\"IT support for technological development of small and medium enterprises - Technological Park\"

\"IT support for technological development of small and medium enterprises - Technological Park\"

1. Mehmed Arnautović

SUMMARY: In the era of the information age the need for IT support and services is growing daily. Technology park gathers groups of experts in the field of machinery, hardware and software to give services and help companies where IT is not the main activity, such as activities related to machinery (CNN machines), airline industry, nuclear power plants, hospital systems, educational system, especially in the era of expansion of processing and managing data remotely. Such an approach couldn\'t be realized if there weren\'t for new and capable personnel which can engage in new technologies (electrotechnicians, software workers, programmers, administrators, etc.), and what it is important is that these people are here in this community and they should be given a chance to develop.

Ključne reči :

Tematska oblast: Održavanje tehničkih sistema

Datum: 19.03.2013.

Br. otvaranja: 375

DEMI 2013

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