1. Vojkan Zorić, Megatrend univerzitet, Serbia
2. Jovana Zorić, Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, Serbia
Taking the accelerated development of materials science into account, as well as its contribution to the development of medical technology and laboratory analytical equipment, a unique approach during a forensic analysis is presented. This paper presents forensic medical expertise of traces on the corpse in combination with trasological analyzes, both on the corpse and on the materials related to the specific case of the crime of murder, which all contributed to clarifying the cause of the murder. The murder happened at night, commited by several people, the victim was a young man who was ostracized by his family due to frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages in combination with narcotics. In the cross-section of the set of conclusions that emerged after the conducted analyzes, an indisputable fact "emerged" that helped clarify this case.
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Tematska oblast:
SIMPOZIJUM A - Nauka materije, kondenzovane materije i fizika čvrstog stanja
Contemporary Materials 2022 - Savremeni materijali