1. Zoran Jurkovic, Croatia
In the field of metal processing technology, an important place belongs to tools and devices. A tool can be described as any device that man made to make his job easier or even to perform a desired action either directly, using the strength of his hand or indirectly through the power of the machine. So that we could produce more economical products, we are in a constant need of having better tools. There are enormous possibilities to increase the production through identifying problem areas, researching the issue at hand, solving it and designing better tools.
This paper attempts to approach this matter from a theoretical and a practical point of view. The development and the making of the progressive die tool for making spring holders is described. It also takes a look at the operation of the above mentioned tool for making spring holders when it is in use.
Tematska oblast:
Proizvodne tehnologije i inženjerstvo
Uvodni rad:
Br. otvaranja:
11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering