1. Biljana Maksimović, Fizički fakultet, Serbia
2. Mićo Mitrović, Fizički fakultet, Serbia
3. Branislava Misailović, Fizički fakultet, Serbia
4. Vesna Čvorić, Fizički fakultet, Serbia
5. Dragana Malivuk Gak, Prirodno-matematički fakultet Banja Luka,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
6. Andrijana Žekić, Fizički fakultet, Serbia
Crystal growth rate dispersion and the effect of external parameters on them still represent a subject of current researches. Results of investigation of the effect of cooling of aqueous solutions from 35.0 and 50.0°C to crystal growth temperature of 30.0°C on growth rate distribution of small Rochelle salt crystals are presented in this paper. Obtained results indicate that the range of possible growth rates depends on the pre-treatment of the solution. Exposing the solution to high temperatures of 50.0°C and slowly temperature decreasing reduces the probability of nucleation and growth of crystals which grew at rates higher than 60 nm/s, whereas the treatment of a solution from 35.0°C reduces the probability of nucleation and growth of crystals which grew at rates smaller than 10 nm/s. Growth rate dispersions are described by normal distribution, and position of distribution maximum is shifted toward lower rates for cooling a solution from 35.0°C. Results will be discussed in accordance with existing theories of crystal growth.
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Tematska oblast:
SIMPOZIJUM A - Nauka materije, kondenzovane materije i fizika čvrstog stanja
Contemporary Materials 2016 - Savremeni Materijali