PPV and anterior segment reconstruction in blunt ocular trauma

PPV and anterior segment reconstruction in blunt ocular trauma

1. Faruk Nišić, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aim: To present surgical procedure 20G VPP with anterior segment reconstruction in blunt ocular trauma Material and Methods: In small number of blunt ocular trauma cases advise complications are :rupture iridis,traumatic cataract, luxation lentis,retinal rupture and retinal detachment. In such casses anterior and posterior segment surgery is necessary in definitive care of patient. Video presentation show standard procedure  of iris reconstruction,phaco traumatic cataract, IOL implantation and 20G PPV in retinal rupture and retinal detachment. Results: Postoperative results in performed cases were improved with BCVA >6/12 without any significant complications at posterior segment. Conclusion: Satisfeid postoperative results without anterior and posterior segment complicationes in such csases blunt trauma is a good choise.

Ključne reči :

Tematska oblast: vitreoretinalna hirurgija

Uvodni rad: Da

Datum: 06.04.2012.

Br. otvaranja: 583

II Kongres oftalmologa BiH

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