1. Ljubiša Petrov, Inovacioni centar Mašinskog fakulteta u Beogradu, Serbia
In biomedical sciences, the interaction between the materials used during the most diverse medical procedures and the tissues of a living organism is a basic prerequisite in terms of the usability of the used materials. The interaction between these two worlds depends on many factors, and the basic task of biomaterials science is to establish the possible conditions under which a harmful effect of materials on tissue can occur.
This paper deals with issues of toxicity of nanodimensional materials as an elementary factor for determining its usability in medicine, from the aspect of understanding and measuring its biocompatibility. It can be considered that nanotoxicology is a separate scientific discipline, which has the task of determining whether and to what extent the properties of nanodimensional materials pose a danger to the organism, the individual health and the environment in which the individual is surrounded.
Key words :
Thematic field:
SIMPOZIJUM B - Biomaterijali i nanomedicina
Contemporary Materials 2024 - Savremeni Materijali