A Model of ACC - Adaptive Cruise Control

A Model of ACC - Adaptive Cruise Control

1. Melisa Kusutra, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Aleksandra Kostic

Currently on the market there is no vehicle in which the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) have not found application. One of the most developed ITS lately is the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC). The ACC is a new technology which requires the use of sensors for detecting the speed and distance of the vehicle in front of a vehicle equipped with the ACC system and enables ACC vehicle to adjust its speed accordingly. In this paper we have developed an ACC model. Also, we have analyzed the results obtained by its simulation. The MATLAB program is used to solve the equations used for the formation of the ACC model. In this paper, a physical and mathematical model and simulation results are presented in the form of diagrams.

Ključne reči :

Tematska oblast: Automotive and Traffic Engineering

Datum: 28.02.2015.

12th International conference on accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (DEMI 2015)

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