Interaction of laser beams with materials of interest to dentistry:history, praxis and trends

Interaction of laser beams with materials of interest to dentistry:history, praxis and trends

1. Đorđe Mirjanić, JZU Dom zdravlja Banja Luka , Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Milesa Srećković, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73, Serbia
3. Vladan Mirjanić, Medicinski fakultet Banja Luka , Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
4. Svetlana Pelemiš, Tehnološki fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
5. Aleksandar Bugarinović, Telekom, republikaa srpska BiH, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
6. Radovan Gospavić, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73; Belgrade Serbia, Serbia

:In the era of coherent optics and its application in the diagnosis and modification of tissue-equiv avalent materials, there are many potentially interesting directions of development. However, depending on the problem, it is likely that a lot of time will be spent on the development to the degree that is allowed for a certain country, on the administrative side,for introduction of some new technique, which for various reasons shows a potentialfor development into a standard one.
The paper analyzes some of the diagnostic/measuring methods, which are of potential interest for a more complete understanding of a certain pathological condition and differences in relation to "normal" properties/parameters of biomaterials. On the other hand, considering the importance of the prosthetic material, in the current state of development, it is simple to manufacture, but there are some complex issues in case of biocompatibility. In general, material compatibility is still a problem. Especially, in the field of diagnostics, many possibilities for treatment, surgery and others have appeared.
The paper analyzes some of the diagnostic/measuring methods, which are of potential interest for a more complete understanding of a certain pathological condition and differences in relation to "normal" properties/parameters of biomaterials. On the other hand, considering the importance of the prosthetic material, in the current state of develpoment, it is simple to manufacture, but there are some complex issues in case of biocompatibility. In general, material compatibility is still a problem. Especially in the field of diagnostics, many possibilities for treatment, surgery and others have appeared.

Ključne reči :

Tematska oblast: SIMPOZIJUM A - Nauka materije, kondenzovane materije i fizika čvrstog stanja

Datum: 05.08.2024.

Contemporary Materials 2024 - Savremeni Materijali

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