The Orthodox Church and the preservation of the ecological balance of the population in Russia

The Orthodox Church and the preservation of the ecological balance of the population in Russia

prof Ershov Bogdan Anatolievich, Fu Ershov Bogdan Anatolievich, Fu, Voronezh State Technical University, Russian Federation

The urgency of environmental problems creates the need to create an ecological culture for all segments of the population. The location of people to adopt norms of environmental ethics depends on many factors, including. and from religious beliefs. In the 20th century, the influence of Christianity on the attitude of people towards nature was actively discussed abroad. About the protection of nature (at least until the 80-ies.) Spoke relatively little. However, during the Perestroika of the late 1980s. interest in environmental issues has become massive, and the number of believers has increased.
For the preservation of nature, it is necessary to include environmental education in the priority tasks of universal education, but not enough, it is important to use a variety of channels for the dissemination of environmental moral values: such as the media, public organizations, and additional education. On the other hand, in Russia, in addition to environmental problems, the current problem of lack of religious tolerance, tension in interreligious relations and xenophobia is also very topical. Formation of the same ecological culture (as well as other ethical issues) can become the subject of inter-confessional dialogue. This makes the question of assessing and studying the influence of religious beliefs in relation to nature relevant.

ecology, state, church, population, pollution.