1. Stefan Pavlović, Tehnološki fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Milovan Jotanović, Tehnološki fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Vladan Mićić, Tehnološki fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The analysis and sizing of the distillation column for the separation of n-heptane-n-octane mixture were conducted using a traditional method for modeling and describing distillation systems, combined with modern software systems. Basic parameters were obtained by using rigorous separation and calculation procedures for the separation of the mixture used. These parameters describe distillation process, as well as basic dimensions and physical and hydro-dynamic parameters of the distillation column. Analytical and numerical methods were used for the analysis, modeling, sizing and operation control of the system. The previously used calculation methods were verified by developing the program for the case of the binary mixture. The values, obtained in this program were used for further description of the system, as well as sizing and determining basic physical and hydro-dynamic properties such as active surface, column diameter, flood percentage and pressure drop. The key parameters describing this system are optimal reflux, minimum reflux, number of theoretical stages and minimum number of theoretical stages. Changes of the number of stages, reflux and column diameter were monitored as a function of mixture composition, as well as flow of the mixture at entrance of the column.
Ključne reči :
Tematska oblast:
SIMPOZIJUM A - Nauka materije, kondenzovane materije i fizika čvrstog stanja
Contemporary Materials 2016 - Savremeni Materijali