Releasing the synergy of human-robot collaboration - redundant robotics in practice

Releasing the synergy of human-robot collaboration - redundant robotics in practice

1. Audun Rønning Sanderud, PPM AS, Norway
2. Trygve Thomessen, PPM AS, Norway

The later year’s evolvement to a more commonly open innovation model have laid the fundament for a rapid growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SEMs). While large enterprises often have large production lines with low variation, the task for the industrial robot is predictable and highly repetitive, SMEs have more often small batch production with high variation. The SMEs have in the most recent years begun to adopt industrial robots in their production. While SMEs rarely have their own expertise on robotic installation the use has been made possible by more user friendly program editors and remote service and operations. To further enhance the flexibility and overcome the challenges of complex niche production, redundant industrial robots should be introduced to a larger extent. The challenges with redundant industrial robots have so far been the complexity related to solving the inverse kinematics with reasonable secondary tasks. This paper presents advantages of using redundant industrial robots, and aim to motivate more research on user friendly, “easy-to-use” redundancy resolutions for redundant industrial robots.

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Datum: 15.02.2013.

DEMI 2013

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