The researches in the intercultural management domain, especially in the
Cultural Specificity sub domain, treated the national culture either in report with itself, or in report with one/many cultures of other countries, from the viewpoint of the cultural similarities and differences. These cultural similarities and differences help at the delineation and at the high lightening the national cultural dimensions and variables that give the national cultural specificity. The trend in the research in area is a linear one, namely it is stipulated that in fallowing it will be undertaken researches on certain aspects, as: the cultural dimension of a society reported to itself or reported through other societies. Concept and discipline, concomitantly, the intercultural management raised research interest from its beginnings. In the domain of research it is observed the delineation of two important periods, but not exclusively (through the prism of published studies):
- 1997 – 2003: period characterized through the empirical and conceptual examination belonging to a national culture (e.g. cultural dimensions, cultural specificity), especially through the Hofstede approach for defining the culture specific to a society;
- 2006 – 2009: period characterized through the empirical and conceptual examination of the elements that define the culture specific to a society comparative to another (e.g. the cultural differences, the cultural dimensions, the cultural values), especially through Hofstede approach.
An observation more than interesting to make is also the fact that until now, although it has been realized and other researches in the area (e.g. the cultural pattern according to R. Nath, the cultural pattern on countries groups of Altman Y., the cultural framing of the sociologist Sztompka Piotr, etc.), the cultural dimensions pattern of Geert Hofstede is the most used.
As a research method in the conceiving of the present paper (which desires to have the role of a documentation report) it was used the systematized bibliographical documentation, the one of direct observation upon reality. The direct documentation upon reality as a method will facilitate the BI placement into a sequence of the real of the researched domain.
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