1. Jaime Martín-Pascual, University of Granada, Spain
2. Juan José García-Mesa, University of Granada, Spain
3. María Del Mar Muñio, University of Granada, Spain
4. José M. Poyatos, University of Granada, Spain
In order to improve the controls about the quality of treated and regenerated wastewater new parameters are being introduced. This research has been focused in the particle size distribution (PSD) to be considered in a treatment plant design as an indicator parameter of wastewater quality and wastewater treatments performance. The data have been obtained from a wastewater pilot plant operating as a moving bed biofilm reactor-membrane bioreactor under three different filling ratio (20, 35 and 50 %), two hydraulic retention time (12 and 24 hours) and two range of MLSS (about 2000 and 4000 mg/L) treating real urban wastewater during three years. While the influent parameters did not show statistically significant differences, a variation in the A and B parameters of the effluent were observed as a consequence of the different conditions. So, the effect on the PSD under the different conditions tested have been analyzed both influents and effluents and how each variable modify it has been studied in comparison with some conventional technologies such as membrane bioreactor or activated sludge.
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Inženjerstvo u zaštiti okoline
XI Savjetovanje hemičara, tehnologa i ekologa Republike Srpske