1. Oltiana Petri, Institute of Public Health, Tirane, ALBANIA, Albania
Background: Recreational water qualities are highly vulnerable to microbial pollution from municipal sewage, industrial effluents as well as agriculture run-off and river discharges. Fecal contamination not only impairs water quality but also potentiates human health risks.
Material/methods: During May-Semptember 2015 we have monitored 10 main beaches of Albania. We have taken bathing water samples for bacterial examination. Throughout the season, 702 samples were taken at bathing waters–10 per bathing water on average, which are to be taken 30 centimeters below the water's surface and in water that is at least one meter deep.
Fecal coliform (FC) and fecal enterococci (FE) counts were enumerated using the membrane filtration method (MF) according to the methods ISO 7899-1 and ISO 9308-3.
Bathing water assessment are to be classified according to the categories indicated in the Directive 2006/7/EC and reccomandations of WHO/UNEP-2010
Results: The results indicated respectively categories: A-Excellent quality 68% respectively in 53 monitoring points, B-Good quality15 %( 12 monitoring Point), C-Sufficient quality 6 %( 5 monitoring point) and D-Poor quality 10 %( 8 monitoring point) of the beaches
Conclusions: Microbial quality of recreative bathing waters in Albania have an increasing of the quality but still remain a problem.
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Thematic field:
Inženjerstvo u zaštiti okoline
XI Savjetovanje hemičara, tehnologa i ekologa Republike Srpske