Mineral trioxide Aggregate application in non surgical endodontic treatment of right canine in mandibular fracture line - case report

Mineral trioxide Aggregate application in non surgical endodontic treatment of right canine in mandibular fracture line - case report

1. Daliborka Ivanovic, Serbia

Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is a dental material hydrophilic and biocompatible endodontic cement, with properties to stimulate healing and osteogenesis. MTA was developed for endodontic treatment in use to create apical plugs during apexification, for treatment of internal root resorption, repairing root perforations during root canal therapy, and pulp capping. Cement is formulated from Portland cement, combined with bismuth oxide powder for radiopacity. In base of this cement is powder of tricalcium-oxide, silicon- oxide and bismuth-oxide and other hydrophilic particles (tricalcium silicate and tricalcium aluminate) responsible for physical and chemical properties of this aggregate (Ph 12,5, antibacterial good hardens and good consistency unlike Ca(Oh)2. Patient 14-year-old male child receives a blow in the area of right side of mandibula. After manual reposition of fractures fragments and intermaxillary immobilization and dental follow-up for canine who is on fractures line is performed. Radiological and clinical follow up on 7, 14, 20 and 90 days. After this period it is determined that the clinical and radiological parameters indicate pulp necrosis and endodontic treatmen of the canine was performed. After irrigation with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 17% and 2% of NaOCl endodontic canal root sealing is performed with MTA and gutta-percha point. This case report describes a non-surgical management of a mandibular canine with open apex and necrotic pulp which is located on the fracture line of the mandibula. Using biocompatible material such as MTA in this case leads to satisfactory results in apexification and successful apical and canal root system sealing.

Ključne reči :

Tematska oblast: SIMPOZIJUM B - Biomaterijali i nanomedicina

Datum: 30.06.2024.

Contemporary Materials 2024 - Savremeni Materijali

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