- научни скупови, радови, аутори...

prof Spomenka Kobe

Радови аутора

1] prof Spomenka Kobe New processing RE-based magnetic materials" - Contemporary Materials 2019 - Савремени Материјали, 17.07.2019.
2] prof Spomenka Kobe AMORPHOUS Al-Ce-Cu-Fe ALLOYS: GLASS FORMATION, PROPERTIES AND STRUCTURAL COMPLEXITY " - Contemporary Materials 2019 - Савремени Материјали, 26.06.2019.
3] prof Spomenka Kobe Amorphous Al-Ce-Cu-Fe alloys: Glass formation and properties" - Contemporary Materials 2019 - Савремени Материјали, 30.05.2019.
4] prof Spomenka Kobe Permanent Magnets in Energy Application for the Clean Environment" - Contemporary Materials 2018 - Савремени Материјали, 27.06.2018.
5] prof Spomenka Kobe Amorphous Al-Ce-Cu-Fe alloys: Glass formation and properties" - Contemporary Materials 2018 - Савремени Материјали, 27.06.2018.
6] prof Spomenka Kobe Permanent magnets as vital components in the rapidly-developing renewable energy sector." - Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали, 15.07.2016.
Spomenka Kobe

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