19th Euromicro Conference on Digital Systems Design

Euromicro Conference on Digital Systems Design

19th Euromicro Conference on Digital Systems Design

Кратки назив: EUROMICRO DSD/SEAA 2016

The Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) addresses all aspects of (embedded, pervasive and high-performance) digital and mixed hardware/software system engineering, down to microarchitectures, digital circuits and VLSI techniques.

The Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) addresses all aspects of (embedded, pervasive and high-performance) digital and mixed hardware/software system engineering, down to microarchitectures, digital circuits and VLSI techniques. It is a discussion forum for researchers and engineers from academia and industry working on state-of-the-art investigations, development and applications.


It focuses on today's and future challenges of advanced system architectures for embedded and high-performance HW/SW systems, application analysis and parallelization, design automation for all design levels, as well as, on modern implementation technologies from full custom in nanometer technology nodes, through FPGAs, to multi-core infrastructures. It covers a multitude of highly relevant design aspects from system, hardware and embedded-software specification, modeling, analysis, synthesis and validation, through system adaptability, security, dependability and fault tolerance, to system energy consumption minimization and multi-objective optimization.

Тип Конференција
Карактер скупа Међународни
Научна област Информационе и комуникационе технологије
Језици English,
Подразумјевани језик English

Важни датуми

Временска зона (GMT +2:00) Kaliningrad, South Africa
Рок за пријаву учешћа 28.08.2016.
Почетак конференције 31.08.2016.
Завршетак конференције 02.09.2016.


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Презентација конференције

Add to Calendar 31/08/2016 02/09/2016 EUROMICRO DSD/SEAA 2016 01/01/2015