The Second International Conference on Computer Graphics, Multimedia and Image Processing

The Second International Conference on Computer Graphics, Multimedia and Image Processing

The Second International Conference on Computer Graphics, Multimedia and Image Processing

Кратки назив: CGMIP2015

The Second International Conference on Computer Graphics, Multimedia and Image Processing (CGMIP2015) will be held at Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional, Jakarta, Indonesia on October 29-31, 2015. The event will be held over three days, with presentations on topics related and not limited to computer animation.

The Second International Conference on Computer Graphics, Multimedia and Image Processing (CGMIP2015)

Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional

Jakarta, Indonesia
October 29-31, 2015




 Research topics not limited to: 

- 3D imaging

- Case studies and emerging technologies

- Color and texture

- Computational geometry

- Computer art and entertainment (including games)

- Case studies

- Classification and clustering techniques

- Compression methods

- Computer animation

- Curves and meshes


- e-Learning applications and computer graphics

- Emerging technologies

- Emerging display technologies

- Face recognition, face detection, and gesture recognition

- Fractal geometry and applications

- Graphics algorithms and applications

- Graph theory in image processing and vision


- Human-computer interfaces

- Image compression, coding, and encryption

- Image feature extraction

- Image geometry and multi-view geometry

- Immersive virtual reality

- Interactive digital media


- Simulation and virtual reality

- Software tools for virtual reality

- Surface modeling

- Virtual environments

- Virtual laboratories

- Virtual reality, visualization, and education

- Visualization

All registered papers will be included in SDIWC Digital Library, and in the proceedings of the conference. All submitted papers will be reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers. The published proceedings will be indexed in ResearchBib, in addition, they will be reviewed for POSSIBLE inclusion within the INSPEC, EI, DBLP, Microsoft Academic Research, ResearchGate, and Google Scholar Databases.

** Kindly visit the conference website for more details and updates.

Тип Конференција
Карактер скупа Међународни
Научна област Информационе и комуникационе технологије
Језици English,
Подразумјевани језик English

Важни датуми

Временска зона -
Рок за пријаву учешћа 19.10.2015.
Почетак конференције 29.10.2015.
Завршетак конференције 31.10.2015.


Контакт особа Jackie Blanco
Контакт телефон (202)-657-4603
Aдреса e-поште
Контакт сајт

Add to Calendar 29/10/2015 31/10/2015 CGMIP2015 01/01/2015