Кратки назив: UP 2016
The school aims at providing an in-depth knowledge on the latest advances in urban microclimate with its multi-scale interactions ranging from the fields of climate science and turbulence to ur-ban-scale and building-scale dynamics as well as more local phe-nomena. It will further provide participants with an in-depth un-derstanding of methodological approaches such as Computation-al Fluid Dynamics and Wind-tunnel Modelling as well as to enrich them with concepts such as Uncertainty Quantification and Data Science.
The workshop envisions to bring the participants in contact with leading researchers in the field, to encourage a constructive and open dialogue and to incite collaborations between theorists and experimentalists as well as applications-orientated researchers at an international level.
Тип | Радионица |
Карактер скупа | Међународни |
Научна област | Биотехнолошке науке Природне науке Физика Географија Наука о земљи Техничке науке Инжењеринг Заштита животне средине |
Језици | English, |
Подразумјевани језик | English |
Важни датуми |
Временска зона | - |
Рок за пријаву учешћа | 04.05.2016. |
Почетак конференције | 08.05.2016. |
Завршетак конференције | 13.05.2016. |
Контакти |
Контакт особа | EasyConferences |
Контакт телефон | 22591900 |
Aдреса e-поште | info@easyconferences.eu |
Контакт сајт | http://www.urbanphysics.org/ |