Кратки назив: SOMET 2016
This conference series highlights and reflects the state-of-art and new trends on software methodologies, tools and techniques.
This conference is focused on exploring innovations, controversies, and challenges facing the Software Engineering community today. The conference brings together theory and experience to propose and evaluate solutions to Software Engineering problems. The conference also provides a forum and an opportunity to assess the current state-of-the-art in intelligent Software techniques and to chart software science initiated from experience to theory. This workshop is an opportunity for us in the software science community to think about where we are and today and where we are going.
You are invited to participate in SOMET 2016 to help build a forum for exchanging ideas and experiences to foster new directions in software development methodologies and related tools and techniques.
Тип | Конференција |
Карактер скупа | Међународни |
Научна област | Информационе и комуникационе технологије Техничке науке Инжењеринг |
Језици | English, |
Подразумјевани језик | English |
Важни датуми |
Временска зона | - |
Рок за пријаву учешћа | 08.09.2016. |
Почетак конференције | 12.06.2016. |
Завршетак конференције | 14.06.2016. |
Контакти |
Контакт особа | easyconferences |
Контакт телефон | 22591900 |
Aдреса e-поште | info@easyconferences.eu |
Контакт сајт | http://www.cyprusconferences.org/somet2016 |
Презентација конференције | somet.ekonferencije.com |