2nd International Conference of Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Transfer

International Conference on Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Transfer

2nd International Conference of Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Transfer

Кратки назив: EHST'18

Локација: TBD, Niagara Falls, Canada

The 2nd International Conference of Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Transfer (EHST'18) aims to become the leading annual conference in fields related to energy harvesting, storage, and transfer.

The goal of EHST'18 is to gather scholars from all over the world to present advances in the fields of energy harvesting, storage, and transfer and to foster an environment conducive to exchanging ideas and information. This conference will also provide an ideal environment to develop new collaborations and meet experts on the fundamentals, applications, and products of the mentioned fields.

All accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference in a USB drive. The online version of the proceedings will also be published under an ISSN reference and each paper in the proceedings will be assigned unique DOIs by CrossRef. Furthermore, selected papers from the conference will be submitted for possible publication in the following journals from Avestia Publishing (publication fees may apply):

Advances in Renewable Energy (ARE)

Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (JFFHMT)

EHST is an acronym for Harvesting, Transfer.

To view EHST 2017 website, please visit

Тип Конференција
Карактер скупа Међународни
Научна област Техничке науке
Тематске области Battery Energy Storage
Fossil Fuels
Fuel Cells
Geothermal Energy
Global Energy Policy
Low Carbon Technologies
Nuclear Energies, Prospects and Issues
Smart Buildings
Smart Lightings
Solar Cell Theory and Applications
Solar Thermal Energy
Sustainable Energy
Wave and Tide Energies
Electric Vehicles
Energy Storage
Biomass, Biofuel, and Bioenergy
Energy and Climate Change
Energy and Environmental Pollution
Energy and Nanotechnology
Energy and Societal Aspects
Energy and Transportation
Energy Companies Challenges
Energy Conversion
Energy Distribution
Energy Efficiency-Achievements and Challenges
Energy Financing
Energy Infrastructures, Marketing and Economy
Energy Management
Wind Energy
Језици English,
Подразумјевани језик English

Важни датуми

Временска зона (GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada), Bogota, Lima
Рок за достављање апстракта 01.12.2017.
Обавјештење о прихватању апстракта 22.12.2017.
Рок за пријаву учешћа 26.02.2018.
Почетак конференције 12.06.2018.
Завршетак конференције 14.06.2018.


Контакт особа Conference Administrator
Контакт телефон 6136953040
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Презентација конференције

Add to Calendar 12/06/2018 14/06/2018 EHST'18 01/01/2015