Кратки назив: HSR 2017
The Meeting is organized by The Hellenic Society of Rheology (HSR), in cooperation with the University of Cyprus and the Hellenic Society of Rheology (HSR)
The Hellenic Society of Rheology (HSR) was established in 1996 by Greek rheologists residing in Greece, Cyprus and abroad. It is affiliated with the European Society of Rheology (ESR) and dedicated to the promotion of scientific activities and advancement in the fields of rheology and fluid mechanics.
The Meeting is open to all scientists and engineers conducting research or interested in the field of rheology and fluid mechanics. The program will consist of 4 invited keynote lectures, oral and poster contributions.
Special emphasis will be given to the following fields of research:
Abstract submission and academic inquiries:
Prof. Georgios Georgiou
T: (+357) 22892612
F: (+357) 22895352
Тип | Семинар |
Карактер скупа | Међународни |
Научна област | Формалне науке Математика |
Језици | English, |
Подразумјевани језик | English |
Важни датуми |
Временска зона | (GMT +2:00) Kaliningrad, South Africa |
Рок за достављање апстракта | 12.02.2017. |
Обавјештење о прихватању апстракта | 01.03.2017. |
Рок за пријаву учешћа | 07.07.2017. |
Почетак конференције | 12.07.2017. |
Завршетак конференције | 14.07.2017. |
Контакти |
Контакт особа | Easy Conferences |
Контакт телефон | +357 22591900 |
Aдреса e-поште | info@easyconferences.eu |
Контакт сајт | http://www.cyprusconferences.org/hsr2017 |