First Sarajevo International Conference on Global Crisis and Countries in Transition

Conference on Global Crisis and Countries in Transition

First Sarajevo International Conference on Global Crisis and Countries in Transition

Кратки назив: International Conference on Global Crisis and Countries in Transition

The conference aims to bring academicians together from the globe to discuss the impacts of global crisis on transition economies.
The conference aims to bring academicians together from the globe to discuss the impacts of global crisis on transition economies. However, the event is open to participants from all other social sciences. We encourage them to propose plenary sessions in
Тип Конференција
Карактер скупа Међународни
Научна област Друштвене науке
Језици English,
Подразумјевани језик English

Важни датуми

Временска зона (GMT +1:00 hour) Belgrade, Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
Рок за пријаву учешћа 31.05.2014.
Почетак конференције 19.06.2014.
Завршетак конференције 22.06.2014.


Контакт особа Recai Aydin
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Презентација конференције

Add to Calendar 19/06/2014 22/06/2014 International Conference on Global Crisis and Countries in Transition 01/01/2015

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