1. Jean-Marie Dubois, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
2. Luka Kelhar, Slovenia
3. Spomenka Kobe, Jožef Stefan Institute Slovenia, Slovenia
The Al-Cu-Fe system is well known for it contains a quasicrystal, the ultimate degree of lattice complexity in an ordered solid. Susbtitution of Ce for Al atoms cancels formation of the quasicrystal, but favours amorphisation upon rapid solidification from the liquid state. Accordingly, we have studied the solubility range of Ce in this alloy when replacing Al atoms, as well as we have varied the Cu/Fe ratio at constant Al,Ce concentration. We found evidence that the local order in the glass is predominantly icosahedral, which matches the evidence of a very low glass transition temperature in the vicinity of the eutectic concentration known in the binary Al-Ce system. This interesting result can be exploited to prepare bulk specimens by spark plasma sintering, a technique that we used to produce centime-wide specimens. The magnetic properties were studied in a wide composition range and will be reported in the talk. Replacement of Ce by Gd was studied as well, although it leads to a narrower glass formation range and, with no surprise, the rise of ferromagnetic properties. The overall picture of the atomic structure at short and medium range is better understood within the concept of push-pull alloys, which will be briefly evoked.
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Тематска област:
СИМПОЗИЈУМ А - Наука материје, кондензоване материје и физикa чврстог стања
Contemporary Materials 2019 - Савремени Материјали