1. Snežana Petković, Машински факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Emil Hnatko, Veleučilište velika Gorica, Croatia
3. Radivoje Stefanović, Serbia
4. Stevan Veinovic, Lithuania
Forecasts say it will the world floods motored vehicles will be doubled 2025.g. but without support sufficient quantities fuels. Every thought about unlimited energy source is a way to complete destruction of life on our planet. Every engaged energy source: from the outer space, from the Earth’s core, from the fuels or from everyday life activities remains in our environment as a parasitic content that changes ecological and genetic conditions on Earth.
Since there is such a wide range of alternative fuels, it is a good opportunity to undertake a thorough review of just what is available. Here is therefore an examination of both existing and future fuels for the IC- Intermanl combustion engines.
Today`s „super-tractors“, backbone of the trend towards large farm operations, are all based on highly improved engine-vehicle matches, resulting in further improvements in the energy efficient use of all farm machinery.
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Тематска област:
Automotive and Traffic Engineering