Contemporary society requires from learners active participation and engagement in their educational process. In last three decades methods that include students’ cooperation and collaboration within group learning have been used increasingly in all levels of teaching and in all subjects. However, in practice, this type of learning is still encountering dependence, passivity, and even anxiety on the part of students. Thus, this paper attempts to provide an insight to the most common shortcomings of group works from students’ perspective, and offers solutions for their overcoming and effective usage. Besides using the expert literature, as a paradigm in this paper, we used materials from the case study conducted in Bangor Business School in United Kingdom by Analoui, B., Doloriert, C. and Sambrook S., (2011) presented in the article Engaging students in group work to maximize knowledge sharing, in order to provide an insight of students’ point of view from a relevant source.
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6. naučno-stručni skup Studenti u susret nauci sa međunarodnim učešćem - STES