Analysis of Optimal Wiring of PV Panels by Means of Nonlinear Integer Programming

Analysis of Optimal Wiring of PV Panels by Means of Nonlinear Integer Programming

1. Milan Despotović, Факултет инжењерских наука Универзитета у Крагујевцу, Serbia
2. Zoran Kovačević, Факултет инжењерских наука Универзитета у Крагујевцу, Serbia
3. Jasna Radulovic, Факултет инжењерских наука Универзитета у Крагујевцу, Serbia

In order to obtain the desired power of photovoltaic systems the PV panels are being wired in series and in parallel whereby the current-voltage characteristic of formed configuration is equal to the sum of current-voltage characteristics of all the PV panels in configuration. The total power of formed configuration is the same, regardless of the type of wiring, but the reliability of achieving desired power and voltage that are demanded by the consumer considerably varies depending on the way the PV panels are wired in particular configuration, which is sized for desired power. In this paper the determining of optimal configuration of PV panels that are wired in parallel-series (PS), series-parallel (SP), and compound (PSP parallel-series-parallel) interconnection is shown. The optimal configuration is found by means of nonlinear integer programming method. The results show that the relative gain of system reliability, which is measured as the relative ratio of the reliabilities of the system at the most satisfactory configuration and the most adverse configuration, is in the range of nearly 0 to nearly 100% depending on the size of the system and the reliability of a single panel.

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Датум: 08.02.2013.

DEMI 2013

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