1. Slaviša Todorović, Машински факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
In an era of marked competition production companies are forced to reduce development and production costs, while maintaining high technological and functional level of the new product. In addition to modern production technologies, higher levels of product quality management and work organization, use of Computer Aided technologies is indispensable, which allow hardware and software engineering tools throughout all phases of a product life cycle. In this paper, using the software CATIA V5 is realized automation of a large number of project operations in the design process of bridge crane. This procedure will speed up product development process, the occurrence of errors bring to a minimum, reduces the number of different product variants, which helps to reduce development costs, increase product quality and improved competitiveness of production company in the market.
Тематска област:
Механика и конструкције
Уводни рад:
Бр. отварања:
11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering