1. Никола Цекић, Архитектонско-грађевински факултет Ниш , Serbia

Abstract: Contemporary tendencies in building construction in the world indicate that the presence of natural, biomorphic, non-toxic materials is on a considerable rise. Bamboo material in this context is very present in many Asian and Latin America countries. In the world, there are many designers and architects who see a huge potential in bamboo as an autochthonous, flexible, seismically stable and contemporary building material. Exquisite, physic-mechanical and environmental properties, made it possible to create outstandingly beautiful forms in architectonic compositions of public and housing buildings. In this paper are presented successful, contemporary architectonic compositions, creations from all around the world, which organically embraced the natural resources. Usage of bamboo stems in the structures nowadays inspired the architects to aspire to new geometrical and archisculptural fascinating forms and to new strategies and engineering creations. In architectonic terms, the building forms are esthetically and artistically characteristic, attractive, non-stereotypical, often bionic, with deformed surfaces and dominant stem-like elements in their structure.
Key words: bamboo structure, integrative space, lightness, environmentally friendly design, structural composition, ecourbarchitectonic form

Тематска област: СИМПОЗИЈУМ Б - Биоматеријали и наномедицина

Датум: 18.05.2018.

Contemporary Materials 2018 - Савремени Материјали

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