1. Melisa Velic,
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The more and more rigorous regulations on the environmental protection, as well as the need for a much better fuel exploitation, have raised greater demands on the designer. The development of numerical methods and, at the same time, a computing power growth, makes the checking of new ideas possible, even in the early stage of the engine development.
In this note we have made a model of a diesel engine with six cylinders, which is not turbocharged, by using AVL-BOOST software produced by the AFL firm from Graz. We determined the performances of the mentioned engine using a number of input data regarding engine dimensions, initial conditions of pressure and temperature, on the boundaries of the system. We have analysed the influence of the heat release characteristic, based on the Vibe function, as well as the influence of cycle fuel injection rate. As a result, we got the indicated pressure diagram, which we compared to an experimentally measured pressure within the cylinder. We also analysed a number of other significant engine function parameters, such as intake air mass flow, intake pressure and temperature oscillations, indicated cylinder temperature, heat flow coefficients, and as a final result we got the engine torque and power performance at a given engine speed.
Key words: thermodynamic properties, model, engine
Тематска област:
Механика и конструкције
Уводни рад:
Бр. отварања:
11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering