We are largely aware of the process by which entrepreneurs decide to start up in business in the mature economies of the West. This process is based around traits and characteristics. In practical terms it is usually based around the search for a business opportunity and funding wrapped around the writing of a business plan.
It can be argued that this process will work just as well in a transition economy as opposed to a non-transition economy. But does it?
Using a number of life story based case studies this paper seeks to examine the impact and nature of the personal life and business transitions of a number of Chinese entrepreneurs in what is the largest transitional economy in the world.
Direct use will be made of Krueger\'s model of entrepreneurial potential and of the model by Cooper (1973) on the antecedent influences acting on enterprise creation to look at the range of very personal set of motivational inflences at play within the emergence of this new cohort of entrepreneurs.
We have not yet examined in any detailed way the triggers for entrepreneurship of Chinese entrepreneurs and how they compare to the known triggers in the west.
Are they different? Or are they very much the same but located within a different culture and what impact does that culture have on their decision to act as an entrepreneur?
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