Classical and nanophotonic soft contact lens materials investigation by UV-VIS and opto-magnetic spetroscopy

Classical and nanophotonic soft contact lens materials investigation by UV-VIS and opto-magnetic spetroscopy

1. Jovana Šakota-Rosić, Машински факултет Универзитета у Београду, Serbia
2. Aleksandra Debeljković, Inovacioni centar Mašinskog fakulteta u Beogradu, Serbia
3. Ђуро Коруга, Машински факултет Универзитета у Београду, Serbia

The contact lens (CL) industry and market have displayed a high level of dynamism in the past few decades, and have evolved into a rapidly changing field in which science and everyday practice constantly interact. It was happen not only through broadening of material and product portfolio, but through innovative diagnostic and therapeutic solutions as well. Stable market growth with numerous rearrangements in different product segments is constantly taking place, mainly stirred by innovative material and optical design. In this paper investigation of influence of new nanophotonic materials for soft contact lenses is presented. Three types of contact lenses were made of standard polymacon material (Soleko SP38TM) incorporated with molecules C60, fullerol C60(OH)24 and fullerene metformin hydroxylate C60(OH)12(OC4N5H10)12. The aim of this investigation was to characterized soft contact lenses using UV/Vis and optomagnetic spectroscopy (OMS). The acquired spectrums were commented and compared with the standard soft contact lens material, which was analyzed by the same methods, in order to show the different properties of this standard and new nanophotonic materials. This research contributes to applied optical science and biomedical application industry. References: 1. Kojić D., Bojović B., Stamenković D., Jagodić N. and Koruga Đ.: Contact Lenses Characterization by AFM MFM, and OMF, Biomedical Science, Engineering and Technology, ISBN: 978-953-307-471-9. 2. Giacalone, F., Nazario, M.: Fullerene Polymers: Synthesis and Properties, Chem. Rev. 2006, 106, 5136-5190. 3. Koruga Dj., Tomić A., System and Method for Analysis of Light-matter Interaction Based on Spectral Convolution, US Patent Pub. No.: 2009/0245603, Pub. Date: Oct. 1, 2009. 4. Monis C., Hydrogel Contact Lenses, San Jose State University, 2002.

Кључне речи :

Тематска област: СИМПОЗИЈУМ Б: Биоматеријали и наномедицина

Датум: 10.06.2012.

Бр. отварања: 437

Contemporary Materials - 2012 - Савремени материјали

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