1. Naza Mujkić, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Communication is the bridge between two isolated individuals, and because of that, it is the basis for fellowship and mutual understanding. Communication reflects the ability of living together and maintaining important relationships that give us confirmation of the value and importance for other people. Often we encounter blind people in the streets, stairs, work organizations, hospitals. How to help them, when they need help? A valid communication with these people has a special significance in the environmentreaction and opportunitie to present themselves and their needs. To determine the mode of communication with blind persons the interview is performed with six blind persons. Questions were related to behavior and aid to blind persons in conversation on the street, at home in the hospital. Through analysis of the study we tryed to learn the way of communication, how blind persons “see”? The aim was to establish the preconditions for successful implementation of proper way of communication that would be directed towards improving the current situation in the accessibility to blind persons. Analyzing the results of the interview we realize that in most cases there is no good communication with blind individuals what often isolate them from society. With all that what blind persons are missing, poor communication make worse quality of their lifes. In communication with blind people we need to have the attitude, here I am, I understand you, and accept you.

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Уводни рад: Да

Датум: 30.03.2012.

Бр. отварања: 605

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