1. Kire Popovski, Универзитетот “Св. Климент Охридски” - Битола, Macedonia
Abstract. This model explains the heat flow in a confined space with transparent walls (glass or plastic). A
software is used to analyze the behavior of transparent walls coated with "LLumar" film. This film has many
advantages, but in this paper, we will focus on energy savings. Energy savings give quick return on investment
and are considered a smart investment. Energy-saving LLumar film can increase performance of almost every
window system, significantly reducing energy consumption and requirements. Professional energy audits have
shown that buildings with LLumar film can achieve annual energy savings of up to 15%, blocks 99% of harmful
UV rays and improves comfort by reducing heat and glare. Regardless of whether it is residential, commercial or
glass house space as described in this paper, LLumar the world's leading brand of architectural film for decades
improves the well-known buildings around the world with proven results. LLumar films will greatly increase
energy efficiency, appearance and functionality of glass partitions. The results are lower overhead expenses,
increased comfort, improved privacy and better protection from accidents. Heat balance in glass house space is
shown in the following pages.
Кључне речи :
Тематска област:
Energetics and Thermal Engineering
13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering