Entrepreneurial Propensity as a Generator of Tourism Supply

Entrepreneurial Propensity as a Generator of Tourism Supply

1. Tomislav Klarin

Innovation is a key success factor in today`s market and, consequently, innovative entrepreneurship in the modern economy is the very driving force that positively affects the development of technology and knowledge, encourages new jobs and ultimately leads to the general stability of society. A particularly important segment of entrepreneurship is small and medium-sized enterprises, which makes up the majority of the total number of companies in developed economies.
Croatia is one of the countries going through the transitional process of changing their social system from socialism to capitalism. Socialism in its essence involved job security and uniformity and was not an incentive setting for the exercise of individual creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial productivity. Therefore, the process of transition inevitably requires from individuals to change their perception in favor of larger entrepreneurial initiative. Researches suggest that this process has not been fully accomplished. Its objectives must ultimately result in competitive and dynamic economy based on knowledge and technology, capable of sustainable development, creation of more quality jobs and a stronger social integration.
Despite the instability of the market, Croatia by means of various measures and incentives is trying to encourage entrepreneurial development and catch up with more developed European countries. Tourism is a fundamental activity in Croatian economy and accounts for the most important element in its GDP and is constantly evolving and improving. Tourism and entrepreneurship are in strong interaction, because fresh ideas and changes are a prerequisite for the survival of a destination in the tourist market.
Due to the transition trends and the global crisis which led to dramatic changes in the labor market, new young generations are in a highly disadvantaged position. The positive shift is possible through their entrepreneurial involvement, based on knowledge, innovation, strength and willingness to contribute to the development of the economy, especially tourism, as the only sector recording positive results.
The aim of this paper is to explore attitudes about employment or, in other words, the willingness of the new generation of young people to work for others or to start their own business, to examine their entrepreneurial potential and the motives and reasons for (not) starting their own business. In particular, it discusses their entrepreneurial propensity to participate in the tourism supply. The assumption is that students of tourism are more inclined to entrepreneurial ventures. A survey was carried out through a structured questionnaire on a sample of students of the University of Zadar. The collected data were analyzed by methods of descriptive statistics and the research results were presented as workable solutions for the development of a model meant to encourage entrepreneurship among the student population.

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Уводни рад: Да

Датум: 23.05.2011.

Бр. отварања: 750


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