1. Slađana Krstić, Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Serbia
2. Milenko Ljubojev, Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Serbia
3. Mile Bugarin, Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Serbia
4. Ivana Jovanović, Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Serbia
5. Jasmina Nešković, Mining institute, Belgrade, Serbia, Serbia
6. Miroslava Maksimović, Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Serbia
Air quality in the area of Bor (Eastern Serbia) is monitored continuously in the urban, suburban and rural areas. Considering the three measuring points (Institute, Jugopetrol and City Park) of the environmental air quality, it was indicated that the dominant emission source of pollution over the last ten years (and earlier) is Mining and Smelting Combine Bor. Flotation tailings dumps have become source of pollution, not only due to degradation of the terrain where tailings are located, but also for other reasons, such as: raising dust that pollutes the air and surrounding soil; leaching of hazardous elements from flotation material through the rain and infiltration of contaminated water into the soil; drainage of such a water into watercourses, etc. Flotation tailings dump Veliki Krivelj consists of two symmetrical dumps – Field 1 and Field 2. Their dams were reconstructed as flotation dams 1A, 2A and 3A. The main objective of this paper is the selection of geological - mining methods for long-term solution for reclamation of flotation tailings dam 3A Veliki Krivelj, and protection of the environment from the dust form Veliki Krivelj flotation tailings dump.
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Логистички процеси и еколошки ефекти