1. Armela Mazrreku, Albania
The call for the use of biofuels which is being made by most governments following international energy policies is presently finding some resistance from car and components manufacturing companies, private users and local administrations. This opposition makes it more difficult to reach the targets of increased shares of use of biofuels in internal combustion engines. One of the reasons for this resistance is a certain lack of knowledge about the effect of biofuels on engine emissions.
This paper presents environmental and economic benefits from the use of biodiesel, and the impact on the improvement of qualitative indicators of the amount of biodiesel added to fossil diesel. The purpose is to maintain constant engine performance, due to changes beginning with the influence of the quantity of fuel to power motor, fuel consumption and thermal efficiency.
It what is most important and should be emphasized is the comparisons between environment biodiesel emissions and fossil diesel, and in particular in: nitric oxides and particulate matter, the latter not only in mass and composition but also in size distributions.
Keywords: biodiesel, diesel, emissions, environment
Тематска област:
Инжењерство у заштити околине
XI Savjetovanje hemičara, tehnologa i ekologa Republike Srpske