1. Radule Tosovic, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet u Beogradu, Serbia
Current working conditions and mineral sector functioning in Serbia’s mineral economics necessitate a higher degree of economic analysis and an evaluation of the profitability of mineral reserves in ore deposits. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that ore deposits be well defined both geologically and genetically in the basic part of geological exploration as initial geological objects, in addition to the quantitative and qualitative definition thereof. Further in the research, the economic component, in addition to the geological, is especially emphasised, with the market criteria of profitability of the total geological, mining and technical work on the subject ore deposit included. Encompassing and depicting the set of a large number of factors and indicators regarding the geological-economic evaluation of the deposit in modern economic geology is done by performing geological-economic modelling of the deposit. It enables the creation of partial submodels and their integration into a complete geological-economic model with the aim of a total and systematic encompassing of all geologically and economically significant properties of the ore deposit.
Кључне речи :
Тематска област:
Геолошке дјелатности и економика минерално-сировинског комплекса