1. Igor Andreevski, Универзитетот “Св. Климент Охридски” - Битола, Macedonia
2. Sevde Stavreva, Универзитетот “Св. Климент Охридски” - Битола, Macedonia
3. Kire Popovski, Универзитетот “Св. Климент Охридски” - Битола, Macedonia
Pollutants influence assessment over the environment quality and pollution can be very effectively done using dispersion modeling.
There are plenty different types of mathematical dispersion models that are used in the scientific and research community these days. They all have different characteristics and can be distinguish between each other according to the mathematical methods and estimations they used, situations and cases which can be solve and simulate on the best way, accuracy of the predicted situations and concentrations etc.
Scientific and researcher all around the world are making large efforts in order to improve dispersion models capabilities and to get more realistic picture of the real ground level pollutant concentrations.
Inverse estimations are one of the latest and rarely implemented procedures in the area of dispersion modeling.
Present paper takes into consideration some inverse approach methods for improving dispersion models performances.
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