1. Anis Međedović,
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Purpose: To present new phacoemulsification technique “Lift and Crack”
Methods: “Lift and Crack” technique is modified “Chop” phaco technique which is intended for dense cataracts and risky cases. In this technique phaco tip is used for nucleus elevation in pupil plane with vacuum and no ultrasound use. In futher part of operation chopper is used to segment the nucleus centripetally, without applying stress to the capsular bag or zonules.
We operated 50 cases of dense cataracts garede 3, 4 and 4+. There were no cases with other ocular or systemic diseases included. Average visual acuity before the operation was 0,08. All operations were made in Eye Clinic UCC Tuzla.
Results: There were no cases of capsule rupture, only 1 case of zonular dehiscence. Postoperative visual acuity at third controll (4 week after the operation) improved to 0,8. Postoperative corneal edema and keratitis were persistent in 1 case and solved in the following 2 weeks.
Conclusion: “Lift and Crack” phaco technique is safe and efficient method for operation of dense cataracts.
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