1. Risto Popovski, Универзитет Гоце Делчев, Macedonia
2. Lazo Pekevski, Seiz,ological observatory, Skopje, Macedonia
3. Zoran Panov, University of Goce Delcev, Faculty of natural and technical sciences, Macedonia
4. Blagica Doneva, University of Goce Delcev, Faculty of natural and technical sciences, Macedonia
5. Zivko Gocev, Rudnik , Macedonia
Blasting, whether pointwise, linear, individual or massive, are treated as small earthquakes. So, it is known in advance the place and time of the earthquake, and the energy of the blasting, we know, is much less than the energy in the earthquake.
When blasting, in the first phase, the solid matter of the explosive is transformed in the compressed gaseous state, and then the gas is spreading, whereby the potential energy turns into mechanical work. This energy at the site of blasting, ruining, crushing rock masses, creates permanent deformations in the rock. Seismic waves, which are spread by the transfer of the deformation, cause oscillation of the ground and the objects.
Seismic waves that occur during blasting are similar on the waves that occur in earthquakes, so many seismic blasting uses many laws that are defined in seismology.
Modern instruments transform these movements, i.e. oscillations into electrical motions, and as such they register them on photo-paper or digitize them and record them on a magnetic tape
In this paper is present monitoring of the seismic activity of the earth dam Topolnica near the mine Buchim.
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Тематска област:
Геолошке дјелатности и економика минерално-сировинског комплекса