NanoScience&NanoTechnology; in a modern society

NanoScience&NanoTechnology; in a modern society

1. Marcel Van De Voorde, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Netherlands

An overview will be given of the history and “State of art” and “Outlook for the future” ofnanoscience & Nanotechnology
The presentation will be focus on:
* Overview of NanoMateriualsDevelopoment
-Synthesis/preparation of nanomaterials;
-Characterisation of nanomaterials;
-Properties of nanomaterials;
-Modelling with nanomaterials;
* A vision of potential nanomaterials on the market
* Spectrum of innovations and applications of nanomaterials
- in human health and health care: nanomedicine, nanopharma, nanocosmetics and nanofoods
- advanced innovations in information and communication technologies: nanoelectronics, photonics and magnetics
- in industrial applications in future energy sources, in modern transportation, in clean chemical industries
* Protection of Industrial Workers and Society: Society, Ethics, Toxicology, guidelines for safe handling
* Economics & Societal Impacts
* Nanomaterials education.
At the end of the presentation the highlights of the European Commission 2020 – 2027 Nanomaterials programme will be summarized.

Тематска област: СИМПОЗИЈУМ Б - Биоматеријали и наномедицина

Датум: 28.06.2018.

Contemporary Materials 2018 - Савремени Материјали

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