1. Marcel Van De Voorde, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Netherlands
An overview will be given of the history and “State of art” and “Outlook for the future” ofnanoscience & Nanotechnology
The presentation will be focus on:
* Overview of NanoMateriualsDevelopoment
-Synthesis/preparation of nanomaterials;
-Characterisation of nanomaterials;
-Properties of nanomaterials;
-Modelling with nanomaterials;
* A vision of potential nanomaterials on the market
* Spectrum of innovations and applications of nanomaterials
- in human health and health care: nanomedicine, nanopharma, nanocosmetics and nanofoods
- advanced innovations in information and communication technologies: nanoelectronics, photonics and magnetics
- in industrial applications in future energy sources, in modern transportation, in clean chemical industries
* Protection of Industrial Workers and Society: Society, Ethics, Toxicology, guidelines for safe handling
* Economics & Societal Impacts
* Nanomaterials education.
At the end of the presentation the highlights of the European Commission 2020 – 2027 Nanomaterials programme will be summarized.
Тематска област:
СИМПОЗИЈУМ Б - Биоматеријали и наномедицина
Contemporary Materials 2018 - Савремени Материјали