1. Marko Ignjatović, Универзитет у Нишу, Машински факултет, Serbia
Double skin façade represents an additional skin on the outer wall of a building in order to reduce the building’s energy demand. This additional skin can be transparent or follow the original façade structure. The zone formed by adding this additional skin can be completely sealed or ventilated either naturally or mechanically. This paper deals with the influence of a glazing combination of double skin façade on primary energy consumption of a North-South oriented office building during the heating season which lasts from October 15 till April 15. Due to the occurrence of high temperatures in the zone formed between skins at the beginning and the end of a heating season (transitional periods), the influence of applying mechanical ventilation is examined. Results were obtained by building the energy simulation software EnergyPlus. All glass types, glazing combinations and primary energy conversion factors were adopted from the Serbian Ordinance on Energy Efficiency of Buildings. From all analyzed cases it is clear that adding double skin façade resulted in decreased primary energy consumption. Applying mechanical ventilation only with certain air changes per hour and in few glazing combinations resulted in decreased primary energy consumption, while in other cases primary energy consumption increased. For each particular case, depending on the glazing types applied, air changes per hour in double façade zone should be properly selected.
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