Residual effect of liming on barley grain yield

Residual effect of liming on barley grain yield

1. Dario Iljkić, Croatia


Granulated fertdolomite (24.0% CaO, 16.0% MgO, 3.0% N, 2.5% P2O5 and 3.0% K2O) is product suitable for liming and ameliorative fertilization. Aim of this study was testing the residual effect of this liming material on grain barley yield. The experiment with increasing rates (0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 t ha-1) of fertdolomite has been conducted in autumn of 2008 on the acid stagnosol. The main chemical characteristics of the soil were acid reaction (pH in 1nKCl = 5.08) and low levels of plant available phosphorus and potassium (AL-method: 8.3 mg P2O5 and 13.2 mg K2O mg 100 g-1. The experiment was set up by the randomized block design in four replicates in the autumn of 2008. Winter barley was sown in the middle of October 2012, with aim of livestock feeding. In general, average level of yield (3,8 t ha-1) of winter barley were achieved in the stationary field experiment. However, subsequent response to application of fertdolomite positively affected spikes density and grain yield. The rates of 20 t ha-1 and 40 t ha-1 resulted by significantly higher yield (3.84 and 4.83 t ha-1, respectively). compared to control treatment (3.35 t ha-1) , five years after application. The mean reason for low yield on the unlimed treatment is low realization of spikes number per area unit. Liming also considerably raised soil pH and improved phosphorus and potassium availability.

Кључне речи :

Тематска област: Пољопривредне науке

Датум: 01.11.2013.

Бр. отварања: 201

6. naučno-stručni skup Studenti u susret nauci sa međunarodnim učešćem - STES

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