Risk factors and diabetic retinopathy

Risk factors and diabetic retinopathy

1. Admira Dizdarević, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina


Admira Dizdarevic, Azra Drino-Causevic, Bruno Abramusic
Eye Department, Cantonal Hospital Zenica

Aim of the study: was to determine the correlation between risk factors and diabetic retinopathy who is the leading cause of blindness in development countries for patients age 20 to 65. Patients and methods: In this retrospective and comparative study, risk factors for diabetic retinopathy were analyzed by randomly selected sample, including 30 patients with proliferate diabetic retinopathy, 30 patients with non-proliferate retinopathy and 30 patients with diabetes but without diabetic retinopathy. All patients were hospitalized at Department for Internal Diseases of Cantonal Hospital Zenica and prepared by ophthalmoskopy. Duration of diabetes, existence of arterial hypertension, values of HbA1C, level of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood (risk factors) were used from patient history records. We compared risk factors between patients without retinopathy, with non-proliferate and with proliferate retinopathy (p< 0.05). Results and conclusion: Duration of diabetes is the most important for development of retinopathy. Hyperglycaemia and high blood pressure are important for progression. Better control of blood sugar and controlling elevated blood pressure can reduce progression of retinopathy and risk of vision loss.

Кључне речи :

Тематска област: medical retina

Уводни рад: Да

Датум: 04.04.2012.

Бр. отварања: 723

II Kongres oftalmologa BiH

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